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The Quick Scoop on 4 New HubSpot Features

041616_scoopOnFourHSFeatures.jpgOne of the many things we love about HubSpot here at 30dps is that it’s a company that is always looking to improve its product, and consequently it’s a marketing automation platform that is better, darn near every time you log in. OK, that’s an exaggeration, but you get my point.

One of the hesitations we all tend to have about deciding where to “cast our lot” regarding business systems we hope to still be using 10 years from now and beyond is whether it will continue to meet your needs. If there’s one thing that’s clear about HubSpot, it’s that you can completely dismiss that concern! As I’ve said in the past (and will, no doubt, say again in the future), HubSpot is killing it with their inbound marketing platform and CMS. And they continue to put distance between themselves and their competition with frequent upgrades.

For example, here are some relatively new features that are just what the doctor ordered for so many marketers.

Reporting Add-On. Get even better analytics with a library of more than 20 commonly used reports. You can also build your own from scratch. Plus it’s easy to make your data visual. And the icing on the cake is that you can drag and drop reports to create a custom dashboard.

Predictive Lead Scoring. In the past, certain biases could sneak into lead scoring as you had to give the system instructions on how to evaluate leads based on user behavior. Not anymore. The Predictive lead scoring “brain” in HubSpot now calculates lead scores based on past behavior patterns. The result is a better handle on what factors are producing good leads or not-so-good ones.

Ads Add-On. Previously, HubSpot did not track ad performance. Now, according to HubSpot, you can “create, measure and optimize Search and Social ads without ever having to leave HubSpot again.” So far, the add-on is compatible with Google Adwords and LinkedIn Sponsored Updates, with other networks coming soon.

Leadin. Leadin is a new app or WordPress Plugin that provides basic information on website visitor behavior, and helps you discover the content and traffic sources that are driving the most conversions. The tool’s functionality isn’t as robust as what you get with HubSpot, but it’s a great introduction to marketing automation. Support for Joomla, Drupal and other platforms is coming.

We love working with HubSpot and can help you achieve results with it that you’ll be pretty wild about yourself. We are helping local Colorado businesses and national brands just like yours get the most out of their content marketing efforts with HubSpot! Give us a call (or take 30 seconds and fill out our contact form) if you’d like to know more about this powerful platform. 


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